Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Earth Systems homework/classwork due dates
Subject to change as Units are completed
* tentatively, please be ready by these dates
Astronomy 1  Study/review guide------------------  Pages 1-12.  Due December 4th*
Astonomy 1  Final------------------------------------- Due to take on 12/5/12*
Science Article/ Hubble Space Telescope---------------------------------------- Due 11/28/12, collected on December 5th. 
Science Fair projects--------------------------------- Due to present on January 29, 2013
Begin Astronomy 2 Unit/ Section 1 " ---------------------------- December 10, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This Post is for the 7th grade Utah Studies students and parents.

Just a heads up that we'll be having our first chapter final next week. September 19th is the tentative date. Also there will be a project assigned soon on mapping skills, entitled Utah Atlas Project ( attatched to this post) for parents to view. Thanks for making the first 2 1/2 weeks a pleasure, parents thank you for your support.

9th grade earth systems parents, This is what Earth Science is!

Hey everyone! thought i'd put something up for my earth systems parents to view. It's called Introduction to Earth Science. It's an inspiring look at the course we're about to undertake. Enjoy

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome back Eagles! 2012-2013

Study Skills tips  for students
Welcome Back OHMS Eagles 7th grade Utah Studies and 9th grade Earth Systems science.  Welcome to Mr. Nielsen's blog space! I hope you all had a great summer and are now ready for a great experience learning about Utah Studies and about 9th grade earth studies respectively. 

I would encourage you to check my  blog space frequently for odds and ends, schedule for assingnenet due dates and test and quiz information. I have included in the blog  post a great tool for developing a study routine. This study skills list at the top gives 8 great tips for developing successful skills that will help you become more succesful in your studies in my class. It important that students figure out a style and system that fits their abilities, and personality. Figure out which of the 8 work best for you and then implement them in your daily study routine.

If you have any questions or need my assistance, please contact me at I   look forward to working with and helping all of you become better citizens in your school and community through studies in Utah Studies and Earth science this year, 

Sincerely, Kirk Nielsen

OHMS Earth Systems science & 7th Grade Utah studies teacher

Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy New Year

Students and parents,

Greetings! I hope 2012 is off to a good start for you. I wanted to let everyone know that the science fair is fast approaching. Information about due dates and instructions for a quality poster can be found on Page 28 of the packet. Check in the Checkbrick to self analyze your work. It will help! February 1st presentations are scheduled to begin. Good luck!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Welcome Back 9th grade Earth Systems Students!

Looking forward to a new school year.............. If you don't know who your Earth Science teacher is for this coming year is............. Wait til August 29th! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Welcome to Mr. Nielsen's New Blog space. Still under construction, but in the mean time, keep reviewing your notes, and preparing for the Weather Final.